Spring Cycle

The Fort4Fitness Spring Cycle is an annual Downtown Fort Wayne bike ride, perfect for casual family rides and serious cyclists alike! The Spring Cycle event will feature a variety of tour distances so people of all ages and skill levels can participate! Tour distances include an 8 Mile Family Ride, short, medium and long distances, and a Metric Century 100K (64 miles). The Start/Finish Line location is at the University of Saint Francis and tour routes will go southwest (the Metric Century 100K course will go into Huntington and back). All participants will receive a Spring Cycle t-shirt and finisher medal!

Date: May 31, 2025
Distances: 8, 22, 36, 50, 64 miles
City, State: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Start Location: University of Saint Francis
Start Time:
Online Information: https://fort4fitness.org/spring-cycle